Introduction: The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines reproductive health
as overall well-being in all factors of reproduction. This includes the physical,
emotional, behavioural, and social aspects of health.
Problems and Solutions in Reproductive Health
● India was one of the first countries in the world to implement a family
planning program in 1951.
● Reproductive health plays an essential role in the overall health of a person
or population. The following are some critical concerns:
➢ Pregnancy, childbirth, and unsecure abortion complications
➢ Young people have the highest rates of infection with sexually
transmitted diseases including AIDS.
➢ Due to premature pregnancy and childbearing, young mothers have
low education and income.
● Reproductive and Child Health Care (RCH) programs are advanced
programs that cover a broader range of reproduction-related topics.
● Health and education of young people, as well as marriage and
childbearing during grown-up stages of life, are critical factors to a
society's reproductive health.
Programs for reproductive health:
● Using audio-visual and print media, raise awareness in both genders about
various reproduction-related issues.
● Focus on providing sex education in schools to protect young students from
sex-related myths and misconceptions.
● Give detailed information about reproductive organs and adolescent
● Educating people of marriageable age about birth control methods, prenatal
and postnatal care for mothers and children, and so on.